339Young female fighter pilots arrive to the frontline. They have different stories and different fates. They are getting older, falling in love and lo -
282一磅礴雨夜,Josef Bousou捂着伤口蹒跚回家,倒在了地上。 盛夏,Josef 是收废品的儿子,似乎脑子有问题,无法控制自己的行为,对所有人都是平行称呼,随便拿别人东西。小镇人厌恶他,把所有坏事情往他身上推。新装的泵被窃算他头上。他傻傻喜欢超市家的女儿,可人家有对象。他看到哥哥和对象亲热 -
516Reggie examines the career and legacy of Major League Baseball Hall of Famer and activist Reggie Jackson. Jackson sits down to recount his experienc -
498TudorFilms presents an action packed gore fest, following regular guy Ed (Marcus Carroll) who awakes one morning to find that his Nan (grandmother) ha -
911After he graduated from high school, Julien left Normandy - where he was born and bred - to build a bigger life for himself in Paris, leaving his memo -
244一部曾被德国纳粹禁映的表现主义电影代表作! 本片是1922年《马布斯博士》上下集后的续集,有着浓厚的表现主义色彩。影片对纳粹和希特勒的影射非常明显,因此刚上映便遭禁。 本片讲述地下犯罪集团头目马布斯被抓到疯人院,但在那里依然口出狂言,发号施令,直到他死后,这些指令在外面仍有人执行,让警察百思 -
220娜塔莉(卡梅伦?迪亚兹 饰)、戴兰(德鲁?巴里摩尔 饰)与艾利克斯(刘玉玲 饰)三位“天使”依然效忠于查理先生,依然到处锄强扶弱。 艰巨的任务再次降临她们的身上,她们需要通过一些不同的密码,才能找到失踪的法官。虽然她们极力遵循规定保护所有的证人,可是证人还是不可避免都遇 害了。任务实行困难重重 -
808The Ebola virus. No-one knows exactly where it comes from but one thing is certain - it's one of the most virulent infections known to science. Th -
652Simone is a young law student who finds a passion for defending women in abuse cases. Yet her own sexual interests lead her to a world of violence and -
176Simone is a young law student who finds a passion for defending women in abuse cases. Yet her own sexual interests lead her to a world of violence and